Aircraft > Single-Engine Piston > Jabiru > N607J SOLD!: Jabiru J250 SP
2007 Jabiru J250-SP, N607 SN: 455, Eng: 3300A, Total Time; 342 hours. Interior: Dual multi-screen GRT displays. redundant with attitude, multi airspeeds, altitude, heading, climb rate, voltage, time, full engine data with monitoring, ADSB, GRT EIS with alerts, GRT Autopilot, Garmin SL40 VHF w monitor, Garmin GTX 327 transponder, PM3000 Stereo intercom, Back-up analog airspeed, electric flaps, 12v plugs, phone mount, landing light, strobe lights, nav lights, door locks on all three doors, great interior with tan leather and red accents, map pockets and tan carpet and headliner. Includes P& CP headsets and sunscreens. Exterior: White with red trim and n numbers, wheel pants, Sensenich two blade prop in white and red. Extra items include: Battery minder, new in-box Sensenich two blade prop, new canopy cover, new cargo net, red tow bar, engine pre heater, misc parts, extra oil, and multiple maintenance manuals.
Dual multi-screen GRT displays. redundant with attitude, multi airspeeds, altitude, heading, climb rate, voltage, time, full engine data with monitoring, GRT Autopilot, GRT 6000 EIS with alerts, Garmin SL40 VHF w monitor, Garmin GTX 327 transponder, PM3000 intercom, Back-up analog airspeed, electric flaps, 12v plugs, phone mount, landing light, strobe lights, nav lights, door locks on all three doors, great interior with tan leather and red accents, map pockets and tan carpet on floor, extra large baggage area with loading door and headliner. Includes P & CP sunscreens and a pair of David Clark headsets with overhead holder.
Exterior: White with red trim and n numbers, wheel pants, Steerable nose wheel, 35USG fuel tanks, Sensenich two blade prop in white and red.
This composite plane really does cruise at 120 kts and has an 800nm range! Extra items include: Battery minder, new in-box Sensenich two blade prop, new canopy cover, new cargo net, red tow bar, engine pre heater, misc parts, extra oil, and multiple maintenance manuals.